Monday, July 11, 2011

Benedryl: An experiment in self-medication

I've recently discovered that I may have a problem. Apparently, being the creative sort means that I also am prone to flights of fancy. And these flights are not as whimsical as they sound. In fact, my fancy flights usually involve quite a bit of turbulence. I start with a simple thought, and then my brain twists it. The free-flowing process goes a little something like this:

Man, I haven't written any new pages in my mystery novel in almost a month...if I don't finish I'll be stuck at my job forever with no benefits or retirement...I'd better apply for jobs...maybe I should work at Starbucks...maybe I should go back to school and do something useful like pharmacology, where I'll make millions until I get sued for switching an 80 year old man's prescription with horse tranquilizer (because apparently I will be providing medication for nursing homes and large animal farms)...and my photo will be in the paper next to a picture of his bloated, foaming face... Then I'll have to flee the country and go where they can't find me...Crap, I don't have a passport... I wonder if I could swim across one of the Great Lakes and make it to Canada...but then I'll have no ID and I'll have to become a stripper to husband (AKA the Hubs) would not be pleased...maybe he could be my pimp...He'll need a proper hat for that...with a feather in it...I bet they have feathers at Michael's...and some sequins for my skimpy stripper underwear...

At this point, I will still be looking at a blank screen and hours will have passed, and I'll be feeling something like this:

The Hubs doesn't seem to understand my anxiety when he gets home from work and I race at him, panicked, from my little office. He is rightly flabbergasted at my crazy-eyed melt-down. He very sweetly tries to talk me down, but after a few summer weeks of this, his patience is obviously depleted.

But, I have discovered the solution to my apparent unnecessary anxiety. When trying to get rid of the random hives spreading over my hips continually for weeks (my body was apparently also suffering from my creative flights), I stumbled upon the wonders of Benedryl. When I kept on a regimented treatment of Benedryl ever 4-6 hours to stabilize my hives, there was an unexpected and happy side effect: the flights of fancy stopped.

That's right! A couple of little pink pills, and the voices in my head subsided. I waltzed through life contented (if not a bit doped up) with the help of an antihistamine (freeing me up to do things like write this blog)!

While I do not advocate fixing your life through use of a controlled substance...I must admit that I have a new found love of Benedryl. So my one question is this: Do I have a problem?


  1. You are insane, but awesome. --the hubs

  2. hahaha most definately yes. you do have a problem. althought i bet benedryl is cheaper than anti-anxiety pills. self medicate away!!

    ps- i really want to see "the hubs" in the pimp hat with feathers... just saying.


  3. Here's a flight of fancy for you. You should take your experience w Benedryl to a pharmaceutical company, they can market it under a different name and gear it toward the psychologically impaired population and arrange to get 50% of the profits. It could be the new Valium! You could name it Benefit.............only $45 a will change your life!

  4. You are crazy, but taking Benedryl on a regular basis is dangerous! Don't hurt yourself just to ward off the crazy. Embrace the crazy, that's what us creative types do.

    Also, I love you.

    -- Ashleigh (that's ME!)
