Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Bloggess: My Personal Hero

Those of you who know me may find me mildly amusing. But this blog is hysterical. I want to be her friend. I laughed out loud at Starbucks...which had some people looking at me as if I had snorted my espresso, cocaine style...which I only did once (snorted espresso, not snorted cocaine), so I don't know what the big deal is. Anyway, I have to share, and to tell you that I am seriously contemplating purchasing a travel chicken. Hubs...I can buy you one, too, if you want, so you can have your very own!


  1. What is a travel chicken? I need photos! :)

  2. Adam, check out the bloggess link. She bought a giant metal chicken as a joke, but now is selling little tiny replicas. And I want one...bad! - Caroline

  3. now i am obsessed. jerk. -kay

  4. How many times have you snorted cocaine?
