Monday, July 25, 2011

Things I Thought While Watching Obama and Boehner

As I watched the cockfight over the downfall of the economy, I realized that I am a pathetic excuse for a conscientious American. How do I know this? Because these are the thoughts that went through my head (or erupted from my mouth until the Hubs shushed me into submission). Feel free to judge me:

No!!!!! The Bachelorette! What happened with Constantine??? Obama's always ruining my TV nights!

Man I need a new cell phone background (I then proceeded to take multiple photos of ridiculous things in my house, ending with a slightly off center photo of an owl greeting card):

whoo...whoo is actually watching this voluntarily...oh...the Hubs is...

Good thing the US doesn't have a Capital One credit card...those bastards are unforgiving! They must be republicans.

Oh...super long pause while we stare at the newscasters...don't blink, don't blink...uncomfortable.

Nice tie Boehner... must be trying to reach those young whipper-snappers with the fresh and feisty tie. Nice try Boehner, nice try. You're still an old dude, even with your yellow polka dots!

Oh! Bitchslap! Big government = bad! Here's what I REALLY want to see Boehner!!

I wonder what Obama and Boehner's love child would look like? And then I took the time to create a composite on  Here it is:

Now that baby can pull off a green tie with yellow polka dots. What have we learned? Compromise = coolness

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